EXCLUSIVE NUNNINGTON HALL - Saturday 12th October 2024

Nunnington Hall
Chris, Michael, Kathryn and Abbey

Chris took the team through the welcome talk and we explained the expectations of the night.
We were joined by a majority of first time investigators so we were all excited to see what the night would bring.

We moved into the entrance hall to complete the white light and start our investigation.

Entrance Hall

We called out to the spirits of the building and asked them to come and join us.
We started to hear the door rattle and the handles creaked.
What was great about this was that it was on command.
We had been joined by a gentleman spirit who had previously owed the property.
He was responsible for deer heads on the walls and was proud to have these on display.
He chose only to communicate using taps and creaks. Male and female voices were heard also.
We were unable to get any further infomation from him so decided to move on into the main hall.

Main hall
A presence was felt on the staircase of the main hall of a woman.
The lady’s name was picked up by Chris, Agatha.
Kathryn saw a white light drop from the balcony above down to the floor.
We believe that Agatha had died of a head injury after falling from the balcony.
Michael and a guest stood on the staircase where the group felt Agatha was stood. He explained that a cold wind would come and go behind him as if someone was walking passed.
A loud bang came from behind him and Jenny and another guest explained that she had spotted a shadow figure jump from the balcony above and land behind them at that exact same moment.

Panelled Room
Cat Ball, Dowsing Rods

Cat ball activity happened for both groups in this room. These balls were placed on the bed and the chair in the corner of the room.
We did attempt to use the dowsing rods however sprit chose not to use these.

Charlotte was picked up on, her impression was felt in the way of pains in a guests hips. Charlotte had been paralysed after a horse riding accident had left her wheelchair bound. She spent most of her life staying in this room.

There was also a religious man’s presence felt in this room. He did not appreciate what were were doing as this went against the bible and the teachings of god. He was responsive to conversations around different religious beliefs and would make his presence felt by walking around the room. His foot steps were very clear

Alice Box, Oujia Board, Cat ball

The spirit of a girl 6 years old was felt. She stayed in the house in world war 2 and was an evacuee. This information was found out using the cat ball for responses to our questioning

Using the Alice box, we communicated with Pastor Thomas. He explained that this was his building. We received lots of religious words, such as: Jesus, Prayer, Church, Sin.
Pastor Thomas was there too look after us.
Michael asked pastor Thomas what necklace he was wearing and we received the word Pilgrim. Michael was wearing a crucifix and a Saint Christopher (the Patron Saint of Travellers)

We also attempted a ouija board however didn’t get any activity using this.

Drawing Room
Human Pendulum

We started off calling out and asked the spirits to choose somebody to be the conduit. Jade was picked and moved to the centre of the circle
We we joined by a man who’s picture had been on the wall of one of the bedrooms. Bev had said he was handsome and the spirit was happy about this.
He was married to Susan who was the adopted daughter of Colonial Fife. He was very happy in the house and lived there a long time. He had no children and Susan and his own energy only stayed on the middle floor.
He fancied himself as a cheeky Chappy and affected many of the ladies in the circle. What was interesting about this experiment was that Susan was affecting another guest in the circle who Abbey had to stop from falling over. Susan was mirroring her husbands answers but using a different direction for yes and no. She was there to keep an eye on him. He was a renowned player.
3 other ladies in the group were also being pushed backwards and forwards in response to questions and Michael and Chris had to stand behind these as the pushes were strong.

Time had creeped up on us and we needed to end the investigation so we thanked the spirits for joining us and interacting.

Lots of fun was had throughout the night and although it was quieter than we would like we still had a great night with our fantastic guests.