EXCLUSIVE ORMESBY HALL - Friday 11th October 2024

Ormsby Hall
Chris, Michael, Kathryn, Matty and Abbey

Base camp
Michael did his usual impressive talk with actions and then one of the Ormsby hall staff went through the important rules.

Dining room
Michael, Kathryn, Matty, Abbey

Cat balls, senses

Abbey encouraged the group to sit quietly to take in the nosies of the room. Bangs and taps were heard, also footsteps. The nosies sounded as though they came from above us and from the far end of the room. One of the guests was drawn to this area and said she kept sensing someone was in the door way. The name Evelynne was strong for this guest so we began calling out for Evelynne. The k2 spiked to orange several times however there was not direct communication with us regarding what was been asked. We went for a break.

Dressing up room
Michael, Abbey

Ghost buster car, cat balls, touch bear phone apps

Michael put the Alice box on through his phone. We received lots of words which were said by various types of voices. Who ever was with us liked lighting up the touch bear. Michael asked spirit how many people were in the room and they answered 16 this was correct. There were potentially 4 spirits with us. The spirit kept referring to religious words were we ommuniating with a man of the cloth? There was a male presence with us. When we were questioning again spirit was not forthcoming it is as though communication was not allowed. We did manage to recieve names such as Melinda and Pete.

Dining room

Ghost buster car, cat balls, dowsing rods, phone apps, touch bear.

We all sat in a circle and began calling out to spirit. It was noticed that the temperature was going down on the ghost buster car. It began at 18.6 and went into the 16 degrees. Noises were heard within the room. One of the guests braved the dowsing rods. We had male and female. After a time another guest wanted to experience the rods, at first the energy was not strong but after the guest became comfortable the energy increased. The male spirit that came through said he died within the property on the stairs and thy it was not an accident. Again the time had flown and it was time for a quick break before we braved upstairs.

Upstairs corridor and adjacent rooms.

Dowsing rods, music box, lazer, Alice box

The guest wanted to continue to use the dowsing rods. We were able to identify that Ruth and her mother were with us. The room that was Ruths felt very cold and a definite presence was felt it was uncomfortable. Ruth recognised Rebecca who was one of the volunteers with us. She said Rebecca was been protected from the bad spirits, we could not identify who the bad spirits were. We asked if Ruth could point to where Rebecca was sat and the rods immediately turned to her. Every person who was asked to be identified by the rods was with ease. Rebecca had a turn of the rods and the energy was strong, again the rods turned to everyone that Rebecca asked to identify. Jay had a turn of the rods and the rods did not respond to him, other guests felt that this was because he is a male and that spirit felt uncomfortable with males.

Laundry room

Dowsing rods, touch teddy

The dowsing rods were used and we found out we were communicating with a little boy. Due to timing we were not able to determine any other information.

What can I say, it was another great night at Ormsby Hall. The energy within the group was fantastic and it was lovely to see them try new equipment and build their confidence with these. This location is another must place to investigate. I hope I get the opportunity again to find out ore information.

Kathryn and Mattys groups.
Second floor landing.
Equipment: music box on stairs, cat balls in stairs and landing K2 meter in bedroom.

We spread out across the landing and got comfy for the investigation. The energy of a male spirit was picked up on and we began to call out to him.
one of the guest Charlie had picked up on the energy of a man who like to gamble especially on horses and when we followed this line of questioning we got loud taps, the music box and a K2 going in response to these questions.
We established that he had a lots of debt and had to sell off some of his lands.. possibly even the actual Hall to pay them off. He had a wife, her name possibly being Evelyn, and family who stuck by him but it was a difficult time. We think that he may have been called James. When we tried to approach the topics of why he was still here and how he passed away the energy seemed to shift and we tried to do some table tipping to pick it back up again but the energy was gone.
so decided to have a little break and reset before moving to another location in the Hall.

The laundry room.
Equipment: laser grid, Wendy, esty experiment, dosing rods and human pendulum.

We set up the laser grid on the back wall and one of the guest held Wendy.
3 guests went into the little room at the back and one couple used the dosing rods and other guest tried the esty experiment.
We began to call out and one of the guest mentioned the story of Lucy the maid, which caused Wendy to spike a little bit.
There was also a male energy felt in the room and some of the guests questioned if we had met him in the room before.
We had but he was more reluctant to come forward this time as we had more of an equal split of men and women where as the last time we met him there was a lot more women and he fekt he could bully us more then.
We tried calling out to Lucy and tired to sympathise with her to the situation she found herself in when she was alive.
The laser grid that was on the wall began to flicker as if someone was trying to draw the energy out of it.
We used this to and decided to do a human pendulum. one of the guests Steve went into the middle and we began to call out.
we got a male spirit who was the one who found himself involved with Lucy. This man was called James, not sure if he was the same guy from the house.
But he admitted he was attracted to Lucy and he like how she was more free than him in life, with him being from a respectable family.
He wasn’t able to confirm where she died or how she died but admitted that he had something to do with her death and she maybe have been pregnant.
The guest using the rods said that James was a in army aswell.
They also picked up on a female enemy of a lady called Elizabeth who worked as a governess in the house but then spent her retirement working for a methodist church and setting them up in the area.

As we were heading into the last hour we let the area and headed back into the main house.

The ground floor. The dressing up room/ the little study.
Equipment : music box, table, wendy and cat balls.

In this area we had abit more space to spread out. We tried table tipping again to try and get the chanel the energy of the game keeper who we have met in part of the house before but the guests only got a few little wobbles on the table.
The music box which was on a easel in the corner of the room went off several times as if someone was walking past it in and out of the room. There was also a few randome spikes on Wendy as well.
We left this room and moved to the little study room where we had heard movement and some bangs at the beginning of the night.
We only had about 15 mins left at this point in the night so we got comfy and began to call out.
Wendy was placed on top of a cabinet and was constantly spiking up to orange even red at some points. the responses where so consistant that we had to make sure there was no wires around the area effecting the equipment.
In the cabinet there was a family tree and we used Wendy to work out which area of the tree she was on, by pointing to the different parts.
The energy of children was picked up on, but we were able to work out we were talking to a spirit called Charlotte.

We thanked the spirits for thier interaction and left the room and headed back to base camp.
It was maybe a little quieter in some of the areas than we are used too but it was as always interesting night.