JEDBURGH CASTLE JAIL SLEEPOVER - Saturday 5th October 2025

Jedburgh Castle and Jail report

Many thanks to Abbey for pulling this together

Jedburgh jail 05/10/2024
Abbey, Alan, Mark, Leanne

Base camp
Alan welcomed the guests and went through some key points regarding rules and regulations of the location. After group photos Alan conducted the white light protection.

Men's wing
K2, cat balls, guests equipment

All the guests were encouraged to spread across the corridor. Mark began calling out. After a short time the guests were asked to go into a cell they were drawn to. The ladies that went into cell 1 heard bangs. Abbey and another guest thought they heard a man whispering. The guests in the cells had activity by hearing taps and bangs. It was time to go up onto the second floor. Again Mark asked the guests to go into a cell that they were drawn to, Mark asked Abbey to go inside one and he closed the door. When she came out and looked at the door it said 15 but she she went in she saw it saying 9. Was this spirit trying to say that cell 9 needed investigating. Guests continued to call out in there cells until break time.

Alan stayed with 2 female guests in a cell. One had an overwhelming sense of sadness as if somebody had committed suicide. This lasted for a number of minutes when another guest joined us and used his Spiritbox to try and connect with the spirit. Alan had picked up on a name with the surname being McDonald. Literally five seconds after he said this, name McDonald was clearly heard through the spirit box. We got the impression this was an older gentleman but he did not give much more information.

Womens block
Alan, Abbey
Cat balls, k2, dowsing rods, guests equipment

We all stood in the corridor for a while, and called out. There were feelings of a presence. Alan and Abbey role played being the guards. All guests were told to get back in their cells, no talking and lights out. This was to help ground guests to. There were timers suggesting that cell mates were not allowed to talk. Once some time has elapsed guests were encouraged to call out. One of the guests came out of their cell and said he felt burning on his neck. Abbey had a look and saw a scratch on his neck with quite a lot of redness around the area. Not long after another guest came out of their cell has they felt something on their cheek. Abbey had a look and again there was evidence of a scratch and almost all of her right cheek was blotchy and red. Abbey took many of the group upstairs whilst Alan investigated downstairs with a group. Abbey got the guests to chose a cell and closed the doors. One of the cells that had halloween stuff in had names carved into the wall and it was Alan's name. Spirits during the investigation have been drawn to Alan and would say his name on the guests device's. Guests said they could hear bangd within their cells.

Cells above the base room
Dowsing rods, k2, cat balls, compass app

One of the guests used the dowsing rods to communicate with spirit. We found out that some of the spirits were innocent and that many of them were in there due to debts. During calling out the dowsing rods would spin round and round to indicate a firm yes answer. We went into a cell to conduct an experiment with Alan's compass. It was identified we were communicating with a man in his fifties, he was wrongly accused.

Men's wing Upstairs cell 11
Table tipping, bear, cat balls, dowsing rods, coin

Abbey encouraged the guests to join in with table tipping. In the corridor nothing happened so we moved location with the table and still nothing. We went upstairs to the first cell. Abbey and her group all went in the room to try again with table tipping. Again nothing occured. A coin was put on the table and fell over. 2 cat balls were put in the middle of the table they were lighting up with correspondence from the dowsing rods. We found out a young teenage boy who was alone. He wanted to pass over and has not seen his family in the spirit world. His cell mate was with him. The boy died in the prison and was there for a long time. He stole when he was alive because he was hungry, his family were poor. All prisoners were treated the same and regularly beaten and whipped. Big bangs on the wood that was blocking the window banged several times during calling out. The lady who used the dowsing rods asked if it was the boy who banged and we got an immediate yes. We were getting so much activity that Abbey added the bear into the mix. The bear and cat balls kept going off when asked to and also turned off when asked. The boy was interacting with us and is definitely an intelligent spirit. Guests wanted to try a ouji board in this room. The guest with the dowsing rods asked the boy if this would be OK he said no. We respected his decision and thanked him for the interactions.

Base room
Darkness, senses

Alan spent time with four guests in this room. The room was very dark and we sat in silence while using our senses. Very quickly, something very small hit Alan on the foot in the darkness. Guests kept seeing a dark mass in the doorway leading to the upper cells. We received the odd quiet tap from time to time. At certain times, you could clearly hear things being moved in the cells above with doors being closed and at one stage one of the Halloween displays sensors was set off. The room kept getting really cold and really dark but nothing untoward happened. We were then joined by the rest of the guests.

The team and guests sat in darkness. There was movement in the room and the motion sensor kept flashing but no one was moving. It was time to wrap up the investigation as it was getting close to 5am.

Wow Jebrugh jail did not disappoint. All guests had some kind of experience whether it was them been scratched, feelings, hearing noises. At times Jedburgh was quiet but when we had activity it was consistent with reposnes backing up what was happening. What an incredible place, this is another must do location.