RYTON MASONIC HALL - Friday 11th October 2024

Ryton Masonic Lodge
Friday, 11th October 2024
Katie, Mark & Alan

After welcoming the guests to their evening at Ryton, we completed the white light protection and moved upstairs. We had a lot of new faces on the event, with a mix of believers and those more skeptical, so we went into the side meeting room that had felt very tense from the team's walk around.

Side meeting room
Senses, cat balls, melmeter, Alice box app

The group sat around the large table and placed hands on the surface. The atmosphere felt charged, with a number of people feeling there was someone stood next to, or behind them. Several taps seemed to be heard when asked to make themselves known. The group threw out several names, but none seemed to get a definitive reaction to confirm who they were.
On multiple occasions lights could be seen in the corner by the fireplace and on the table.
As an experiment, we asked the men in the group to leave to see if the women could get a reaction from spirit. As soon as the men left, spirit set off the cat ball. Eager to find out some information we asked if they were happy the men had left because they were not masons - the melmeter immediately set off and would not stop for around a minute, which is a rare occurrence. Readings from it later on confirmed temperature changes by up to 10 degrees, and also an increase in MG levels. A growl was heard by a guest at this point after someone swore.
The Alice box produced, 'paralysed', 'medicine', 'Sally' and 'ride' (the comedy value of 'ride sally, ride' was not lost on us!), one guest had a brief scent of cannabis, and further light anomalies were seen, along with shadows forming in the empty seats, and then all of a sudden the atmosphere felt lighter and everyone felt a sense of calm.

Alan and Mark took the men into the Brigadiers room. After gaining no activity with a callout, Mark set up a rempod In the middle of the table and we asked questions to see who we had. The device went off three or four times and it appeared that we had a young female spirit but then all went quiet. On setting up a laser grid, there were a few light anomalies but we couldn't quite pin this down to any phenomena. We switched to the spirit box and when we asked how many people were alive in the room, the word ‘eight’ came through. They were indeed eight people in the room and this correlated to the number 8 given on the Alice box in Katie's group.

Lodge Room
Human pendulum, cat balls, K2

As we entered, a clear whistle came from the hallway, we surmised that perhaps we were not welcome to be going into such a room and decided to try human pendulum to gain further insight.

We confirmed with spirit who was to be used for communication, and also their signs for yes and no.
From the questioning, we ascertained the following:
We had a male spirit who had spoken to us earlier, the name 'George' was called out and confirmed. He had died in 1995 after an illness that had left him in a wheelchair. When asked, it was further confirmed that 'Sally' had looked after him, and had tried her best to tend to his care needs, so much so, they had tried to use cannabis for medicinal purposes. George was in his 70s when he passed.
Whilst the circle was in progress, Alan stood on the opposite side of the room and felt a presence behind him. After the experiment it was confirmed with the guest in the middle and Alan that they had both felt an overwhelming sense of frustration and irritation at the same time in the room.

On our way out, Alan had his hand on the handle ready to close up the room when a series of loud bangs could be heard, at first we thought something had been caught in the hinges, but upon inspection, it was clear but we noticed a doorknocker on the door. After knocking it, it was confirmed this is the series of bangs we had heard. Testing the door, pulling it over would not have accidentally triggered it as it was not loose and needed a firm hand to make it sound. Perhaps we were not welcome in there after all!

Downstairs piano room
Crystal board, table tipping

We asked spirit to join us around the table and there was a steady vibration felt, as if the table was pulsing for around ten minutes, the energy felt male however, we couldn't encourage spirit to answer questions despite several attempts to build on the energy.
We switched to see if a lower energy activity would work better, and set up the crystal board. We got the following:
A female spirit in her 80s who said the lodge had not been a house before a masonic hall. When spelling her name we got S, E, L, W, at which point we asked if this was a joke, which it was! We asked again who this was and got the number 8 and letter S again, but it seemed the 'joke' was continuing.

Brigadier's Room
Compass, Alice box

After an initial brief movement on the compass we tried an energy building exercise to release into the room to try and capitalise on it. After several minutes we decided to switch to an Alice box to try and steer more information. The following words came from the Alice box, which could be taken by one of the guests as being relevant to a family member and their personal family history, 'blue' 'escape', 'crash', 'yours' (after asking for a name by Alan, which was confirmed the name was relevant) 'september' came out, but a check was needed before being able to say if this tied in to that particular individual. The information could be taken on a personal level (a guest had her grandfather through on a OUIJA board in another room - he had died in a crash and the grandson had the middle name that included the word ‘blue’, and time was running short so we moved on to get a final experiment underway.

Robing Room
Scrying, K2

Immediately we had hits on the K2 whilst we had a male guest in front of the mirror. After several minutes of questioning we were steered to use a female guest for scrying. Changes could be seen of a furrow-browed male with a thin beard, he looked angry. We then asked if we had a child present, confirmed by the K2, the guest's face then mellowed and looked like an angelic looking little girl, with soft features and ringlets in her hair (the guest's hair was tied back) the spikes on the K2 confirmed her hair was blonde and indeed had ringlets, and that she had blue eyes.
Several times the face changes went from the angry looking man to the cherub like features of the little girl - both seeming to want to be seen. A question was met with huge spikes on the K2 and she confirmed that she was called Sophie and she was happy to be talking to us. At points, she was answering us before the last words of a question could get out, the communication was rapid and on cue every time.
Alan said that we were all happy to be talking to her as well, at which point a guest felt a rush of cold air on one side of of his face as Alan had three quick, firm taps on the side of his arm. She said it was her, and she was in amongst us. She also said if we came back she would see us again and seemed very happy and extremely talkative, as well as wanting to be seen in the mirror.

As our time was at an end we said our goodbyes and thank yous. After this, one guest had entered Ryton as a non-believer, and left as a believer such was the power and energy in the experience.

Another brilliant night in a building that clearly holds onto its secrets, but still gives so much in many other ways. Ryton never fails to impress.